Wyke Farms Ltd

As we'll frequently say proudly, all Farmhouse Cheddar made at Wyke Farms is still loyal to Ivy Clothier's original family recipe. But in recent years, the cheese production process has been transformed from a labour intensive chore to a streamlined, 21st century production process.
But the traditional art of cheese making hasn't been lost in the gleam of polished stainless steel and the glistening cool efficiency of our plant's impressive technology. We still make cheese in individual batches which are monitored constantly by the master cheese maker, so the final quality is guaranteed right from the start.
Our promise to our customers is that in our modern dairy we will always produce one of Somerset's finest foods to ultimate perfection, not simply to win prizes but to bring consumers back again and again making Cheddar that will be trusted by many generations to come.
White House Farm
Wyke Champflower
BA10 0PU
United Kingdom
Tel: 01749 812 424
Email: info@wykefarms.com